runs Metabase (METABASE_JAR) locally on port 6543 (METABASE_PORT).You can edit the few variables at the start of this init script. MB_JETTY_PORT=$METABASE_PORT MB_DB_FILE=$METABASE_DB nohup $JAVA_PATH -jar $METABASE_JAR > $METABASE_DIR/service.out 2>&1 & # description: Metabase is the easy, open source way for everyone in your company to ask questions and learn from data. It should be kept in /etc/init.d/metabase # metabase - this script starts and stops the metabase daemon.

To do so, save this file as /etc/init.d/metabase: I like to keep my applications running as services, so that I can start and stop them with simple commands like service metabase start and service metabase stop. $: yum localinstall jdk-8u121-linux-圆4.rpm $: wget -no-cookies -no-check-certificate -header "Cookie:oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "" The current version of Metabase (v0.23.1 as at the time of writing) runs fine with my v1.8.X of Java, you may need to upgrade if your Java version is older. The quickest way to check if it is already installed is to run java -version.
#Metabase download install#
Install Javaįirstly, you will need to have Java installed on your server. This article lists the steps I went through to get this installed on my CentOS server, and then running it as a service accessible through the browser at a subdomain like. It is modelled after similar enterprise software like Tableau and Periscope, except that by virtue of its 'open-sourcedness' (!!) you are free to install and use it on your own servers without the hefty fees. Metabase is a pretty awesome open source business intelligence / analytics framework that lets non-technical users query your database.